Fresh policies come into effect in May 2024

New policies regarding standards for civil servants holding leadership and management positions, management and development of industrial clusters, transportation of dangerous goods, and penalties in fishing sector shall come into effect this May.

Standards for civil servants holding leadership and management positions


The Government promulgated Decree 29/2024/ND-CP dated March 6, 2024 providing for title standards for civil servants holding leadership and management positions in state administrative agencies in Viet Nam.

These standards include health, age, and working experience required for civil servants holding leadership and management positions.

In the case of officials currently working in the armed forces, public service providers, state-owned enterprises, or other agencies, organizations in the political system being transferred or appointed to leadership and management positions in state administrative agencies, they must meet the standards and conditions as prescribed in this Decree.

Decree 29 takes effect from May 1, 2024.

Management and development of industrial clusters

Decree 32/2024/ND-CP (Decree 32) on management and development of industrial clusters was issued on March 15, 2024, replacing Decree 68/2017/ND-CP and Decree 66/2020/ND-CP.

The Decree, scheduled to come into effect from May 1, 2024, aims to eliminate overlaps and foster transparency in management and development of industrial clusters.

The Decree specifies conditions and procedures for establishment and expansion of industrial clusters in Viet Nam, along with investment incentives and support policies for operational activities within these areas.

The government offers financial support of up to 30 percent of the total investment capital for technical infrastructure clusters, thereby easing the financial burden on businesses involved in the development process.

For clusters established in district-level areas, either the average occupancy rate reaches 50 percent or the total unleased land in the cluster must not exceed 100 hectares.

The total area of an industrial cluster after expansion shall not exceed 75 hectares.

Relevant documents for applications are submitted to district People's Committees, which upon approval, will be forwarded to the Department of Industry and Trade. Subsequently, the latter will make the final suggestion to the Provincial People's Committee, which renders the final judgment on the application.

The approval process typically takes around two months. These procedures are designated to streamline the establishment or expansion of industrial clusters while upholding legal standards and fostering transparency in decision-making processes.

Transportation of dangerous goods

Decree 34/2024/ND-CP, dated March 31, 2024 on list of nine dangerous goods and transportation of dangerous goods by motor road vehicles and inland water vehicles takes effect from May 15, 2024, replacing Decree No. 42/2020/ND-CP dated April 8, 2020.

Dangerous goods include explosive substances and explosive articles, gases, flammable liquids and liquid explosive substances, toxic substances, radioactive materials, corrosive substances, miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles.

Vehicles transporting dangerous goods must have dangerous goods logos attached.

Penalties in fishing sector

The Government issued Decree 38/2024/ND-CP dated April 5, 2024 on administrative penalties in the fisheries sector.

Under the Decree, fishing in prohibited area using vessel with a length of 24m or above shall be fined between VND70-90 million. This regulation shall not be applicable for squid fishing.

A fine between VND10-200 million shall be imposed on acts of violating regulations on management of endangered, precious and rare aquatic species.

A fine between VND50-200 million shall be imposed on acts of violating regulations on management of marine protected areas.

Decree 38 takes effect from May 20, 2024.

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