Hoa Binh Province: Practical support for industrial producers

Industry promotion projects/programs have helped numerous rural industrial producers in the northern province of Hoa Binh develop production, restore traditional crafts, expand the market and launch new business lines.

Industry promotion programs have helped many rural industrial producers in Hoa Binh Province apply advanced machinery and equipment - photo: Hong Duyen

Industry promotion programs have helped many rural industrial producers in Hoa Binh Province apply advanced machinery and equipment - photo: Hong Duyen

In 2022 and the first half of 2023, 27 rural industrial establishments in Hoa Binh Province received industry promotion assistance worth more than VND8.386 billion to develop production and expand their markets on a sustainable basis.

The number of rural industrial producers enjoying industry promotion support has increased yearly. Industry promotion projects/programs have helped Hoa Binh restore traditional crafts, launch new crafts, increase employment in rural areas, improve product quality and worker’s incomes, and promote socioeconomic development. Their contribution to the province’s rural industrial development has increased.

However, the industry promotion capital remains humble and needs to be increased so more producers can be assisted. It is necessary to have more key, large-scale and long-term industry promotion projects that are integrated into national target programs and the province’s socioeconomic development programs. This is important to improve the efficiency of province-based industry promotion activities.

The Hoa Binh Provincial Department of Industry and Trade has proposed that relevant authorities increase the national industry promotion capital and levels of industry promotion support for rural industrial producers in the province.

Concerned localities and units in the province will further stimulate industry promotion policies to make it possible for more rural industrial manufacturers in Hoa Binh to access industry promotion support.

Bui Viet

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Source:https://ven.congthuong.vn/hoa-binh-province-practical-support-for-industrial-producers-48645.html Copy link